Electronic. These objects can be added to your Dia toolbox.

- sheet and objects, zipped
- electronic.dia example diagram in Dia format
- electronic.svg example diagram in SVG format
- Automated, wizard-based installation: diashapes
- Manual installation: extract the files to your .dia folder and restart Dia.
Jaroslav Benkovsky
Object list
Antenna |
Bell |
Button | |
Capacitor |
Electrolytic capacitor |
Crystal |
Di-Gate |
Diac |
Engine |
Headphone |
Inverse diode |
Schottky diode |
Tunnel diode |
Zenner diode |
Inductor |
LED display |
Microphone |
Photo-emiting part |
Photosensitive part |
Potenciometer |
Ground |
Contact |
Contact Pair |
IN Port |
OUT Port |
IN/OUT Port |
Voltmeter |
Ampermeter |
Source or Meter |
Current source |
Substitute linearised source |
Voltage source |
Alternating voltage source |
Direct voltage source |
Bipolar transistor NPN |
Bipolar transistor NPN |
Bipolar transistor PNP |
Bipolar transistor PNP |
JFE transitor - N |
JFE transistor - P |
MISFE conducting transistor - N |
MISFE conducting transistor - P |
MISFE inducting transistor - N |
MISFE inducting transistor - P |
Single ..... transistor |
Triac |
Diode tyristor, blocking |
Triode tyristor, blocking |
Vacuum diode |
Vacuum pentode |
Vacuum triode |
Linear variable part |
Nonlinear variable part |
Varicap |