Central Data Processing
Central data processing (server rack). These objects can be added to your Dia toolbox.

- sheet and objects, zipped
- central_data_processing.dia example diagram in Dia format
- central_data_processing.svg example diagram in SVG format
- Automated, wizard-based installation: diashapes
- Manual installation: extract the files to your .dia folder and restart Dia.
Leonardo Oceano Martins
Object list
Rack 5U's |
Rack 7U's |
Rack 15U's |
Rack 32U's |
Rack 36U's |
Rack 42U's |
Rack 44U's |
Server 1U |
Server 2U's |
Server Rack 2U's Slow density |
Server Rack 2U's very Slow density |
Server 3U's |
Server 3U's slow density |
Server 4U's Slow Capacity |
Server 4U's |
Server 4U's right capacity |
Server 4U's very right capacity |
Server 5U's |
Server 5U's right density |
DAS Storage 15un 3U's |
DAS Storage 16un 3U's - SAN - ISCSI |
Cable organizer 1U |
Cable organizer 2U's |
Switch 16p + 2 SFP |
Switch 24p + 2 SFP |
Switch 48p + 2 SFP |
Router |
Modem |
Voice panel 50p |
Voice panel 20p |
Patch panel 24p |
Litter |
Telephone exchange - Rack |