
- ChemEng.dia example diagram in Dia format
- ChemEng.svg example diagram in SVG format
These objects are part of the standard Dia toolbox. To use them simply install Dia: Dia
Object list
Fan or Stirrer |
Spraying Device |
Pneumatic Line |
Pneumatic Line, vertical |
Measurement |
Simple Heat Exchanger |
Simple Heat Exchanger, vertical |
Water Cooler |
Water Cooler, vertical |
Fixed-Sheet Exchanger |
Floating-Head or U-Tube Exchanger |
Kettle Reboiler |
Air Cooler |
Forced-Flow Air Cooler |
Induced-Flow Air Cooler |
Plate Exchanger |
Double-Pipe Exchanger |
Heating/Cooling Coil |
Heating/Cooling Coil, vertical |
Simple Furnace |
Simple Vessel |
Knock-out Drum (with demister pad) |
Tray Column, simple |
Tray Column, detailed |
Fluid Contacting Vessel, simple |
Reactor or Absorption Vessel, simple |
Autoclave |
Open Tank |
Clarifier or Settling Tank |
Sealed Tank |
Covered tank |
Tank with Fixed Roof |
Tank with Floating Roof |
Storage Sphere |
Gas Holder, basic |
Centrifugal Pump or Fan |
Positive Displacement Rotary Pump or Compressor |
Reciprocating Compressor or Pump |
Axial Flow Fan |
Compressor or Turbine |
Ejector or Injector |
AC Generator |
Valve |
Valve, vertical |
Regulable Valve |
Regulable Valve, vertical |
Basic Filter |
Mixer |
Cyclone and hydrocyclone |
Spray Drier |
Centrifuge |
Pressure Relief Valve |