
Supporting is easy

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Do you use Bitcoins?

Please use the following Bitcoin address to support


Bitcoin Block Explorer lists donations to this address: 1NxRxasGJTzUif...

How does it work?

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system. Learn more on Wikipedia.

What does it cost?

You're free to give any amount you like.

Do you shop at Amazon?

If you would like to support, simply start your Amazon shopping using the search form below. Thanks!

How does it work?

If you use the above form to search for things to buy, will earn money through the Amazon affiliate program. Note that currently only Amazon.con and are supported.

What does it cost?

It doesn't cost you anything. You pay the normal price at Amazon.

Do you use PayPal or a Credit Card?

A fast, easy and secure way to express your support.

How does it work?

You use your Paypal account or Credit Card to donate.

What does it cost?

You're free to give any amount you like.

Do you Flattr?

Flattr is a popular Micropayment system. If you don't know Flattr, please have a look at
Flattr Dia

How does it work?

Once you've filled your Flattr account, just click on the button above Flattr button.
You can also use the above QR-Code to flattr Dia. flattr_dia.dia, flattr_dia.pdf

How much does it cost?

You're free to give any amount you like.

Donations and expenses


Spent money on virtualization software and web hosting. Received USD 161.78, EUR 46.96 and 0.075 Bitcoins. Thanks to all that have donated in 2013!


Spent money on a Windows 8 License, Mac Developer Program, Windows Store account, virtualization software and web hosting. Received USD 260.24, EUR 25.19 and 1.838332 Bitcoins. Thanks to all that have donated in 2012!


Received USD 33.03 in donations from 3 people via PayPal and EUR 39.60 through 93 flattrs. Thanks to all that have donated! The money was spent along with ad revenue on a Visio license (in order to improve the handling of VSD files), web hosting, antivirus and virtualization software.


Received USD 220.09 and EUR 83.03 in donations. That's almost 3 times the amount of 2009. Thanks to all that have donated! 19 people have donated via PayPal and was flattred 174 times. The money was spent along with ad revenue on books, hosting, financing of a diagram contest and donations to the GNOME Foundation.


Received USD 76.89 and EUR 28.73 in donations. Thanks to all that have donated! They were spent along with ad revenue for licenses (Windows Vista, Windows 7, YAML CSS Framework, Highslide JS), hosting and the acquisition of the domain.

Some Donors

When you donate, please indicate if you would like to be mentioned here.


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